Tuesday, December 16, 2008

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You have several choices when it comes to your smell if the days hunt is to have any chance of success. Going game hunting smelling like a prom date is a sure fire way of guaranteeing a no shot day.

Elks are hunted for their meat, nutritive velvet antlers or just for the spirit of the game. An experienced hunter should have complete knowledge of the animal he is after, the places it usually frequents and when it can be found there. Additionally, making a rattling noise mimics the sound of two bucks locked in combat.

When choosing a rifle, it is your own personal choice that counts. It doesn't matter if you hunt whitetail deer with a bow, rifle, or shotgun, you need to target practice. Animal experts tell us a mature buck can smell one part human odor buried beneath ten thousand parts of any masking scent.

There's so much more to deer hunting tactics and methods but these tips are a start. For more long range hunting tips, please continue to search around this site.

history of bear hunting north carolina - this is what you need to know. duck hunting names for dogs - it's all here.

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